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  1. All items are shipped standard via FedEx, or USPS.
  2. All orders are shipped within 1 business day on receipt of cleared payment and will take up to 7 business days in transit, so please allow up to 8 business days after processing for delivery.
  3. For International customers outside the lower 48 states, please contact us.
  4. All items that are pulled from the shelf will leave our location within 1 business day or 24 hours. Parts that must be dismantled from the vehicle will leave within 1-3 business days.
  5. For International customers outside the lower 48 states, please contact us.
  6. We usually will not ship overseas. Best practice is to ship to a friend or family in the Continental U.S. and have them forward it to you.
  7. We are not always able to ship outside of the Continental United States. The only exceptions are Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canada VIA FedEx.
  8. Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canada is available for select parts at an additional cost. Please contact us for more information.
  9. We will not ship to PO or APO box addresses. Any orders with a PO or APO box address will not ship until an acceptable address is provided.
  10. We will email tracking information at the time of shipment.
  11. You can track your order from the order tracking tab on our website homepage.
  12. If signature at time of delivery is desired, please contact us immediately.
  13. California customers pay California state sales tax.
  14. Please inspect your package immediately prior to accepting delivery. Damages and evidence of tampering on the outer packaging must be noted on the delivery receipt by the driver.
  15. Local pick up is available, but please give us a call in advance to be sure your part is ready. We are located at 3811 Recycle Road, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 and open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm and Saturday 9am – 2pm.


  1. All Freight Shipping Requires A Business Name And Address And In Some Cases Forklift Access For Heavy Items Such As Engines, Transmissions, Hoods, Fenders, Doors, Trunk Lids, Bumpers, Axle Beams And More. If A Forklift Is Not Available And The Delivery Driver Has To Use Their Lift Gate Then The Buyer Is Responsible For A $50 Lift Gate Fee. Buyers Can Resort To The Option Of Picking Up The Part From A Nearby Freight Hub And In Such A Circumstance We Would Provide The Location And Phone Number Of The Freight Hub. Buyer Must Have Access To A Truck And Show Up With Proper Identification
  2. Items with freight shipping are those items whose weight and/or dimension exceeds what’s allowable for FedEx or USPS.
  3. If a forklift is not available and the delivery driver has to use their lift gate, the buyer is responsible for up to $300 in lift gate fees.
  4. All items that are pulled from the shelf will leave our location within 1 business day or 24 hours. Parts that must be dismantled from the vehicle will leave within 1-3 business days.
  5. Buyers can resort to the option of picking up the part from a nearby freight hub and in such circumstance we would provide the location and phone number of the freight hub.
  6. Buyer must have access to a truck and show up with proper identification.


  1. Please inspect your package immediately prior to accepting delivery. Damages and evidence of tampering on the outer packaging must be noted on the delivery receipt by the driver.
  2. Shipping Damage: Damages must be reported and filed with the carrier immediately. Orders lost in transit must be reported to us immediately. We are not liable for carrier damages. A claim must be filed with Freight Company to facilitate an exchange. If you received a damaged product, please report it to us within 48 hours from date of receipt. No exceptions.
  3. Missing Item(s): Please check the packing slip that was included with your shipment. In order to fill your order quickly and efficiently with items already in stock, we may need to separate your order into multiple shipments, which will be indicated on the packing slip. If this is the case, rest assured that you will not be charged any additional shipping costs beyond those you have originally paid. You may also contact us at (562) 692-0559 for estimated delivery dates for each item shipment associated with your order.
  4. Incorrect Items: If you received an incorrect item, this should be reported to us within 3 business days from the date of receipt. We will arrange pickup of the incorrect items. The replacement will only be sent once the original item has been received and confirmed by us. If the item returned matches the vehicle information in the listing or product description, you will be charged a 25% restocking fee plus shipping and handling charges both ways.
  5. Incorrect Address: We are not responsible for packages shipped to the incorrect address. We are only able to ship to your PayPal address or the address entered, so please confirm that all of your information is accurate before submitting your payment.
  6. If you would like additional information about shipping, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (562) 692-0559